Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 322

Have I mentioned how blessed Dan and I are?

So many amazing things have happened during the course of this adoption. From having the perfect birthparents find us, to picking out the perfect name for baby girl, to being informed this week that I will be getting a paid maternity leave! I'm not saying that this road has been hasn't. But in the end we will have a beautiful baby girl who will have more than just one set of people who would lay down their life for her.

Like I said earlier, we did pick the perfect name for baby girl this weekend. I thought it might be difficult to have four people on the same page...but it really wasn't. There was pretty much just one name that stuck out to all four of us. It is perfect and I love the fact that we all worked on it together. Now, I could say what her name will be...but I think I am going to try to wait as long as possible before I announce it. I've made it 4 days so far.

10 points to the person who guesses her name though!

Your clues:
1. It is a unique but not weird name
2. No one I know personally has this name
3. It does not start with a 'P' or a 'K'

Good luck!

1 comment:

Jimdaqguy said...

Shoot... and I was going to guess Punxsatawney Polly