Friday, July 30, 2010

Pre-Garage Sale Fun

What a LONG day! Thank you to everyone who helped set up for the garage sale! I so appreciate the help!! Believe me, after seeing all the stuff everyone generously donated I was worried we weren't going to be able to get everything put out and priced in one day! But we did it!

The Garage Sale is tomorrow at Rockford Reformed Church (4890 - 11 Mile Rd., Rockford, MI, 49341) from 9am-1pm. Come and see what we have!

Come check it out! All proceeds go towards our adoption! Thanks!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 107

Is it sad that I am more stressed about this upcoming garage sale than I was about the homestudy? Initially I was worried that we were not going to get enough donations. Yeah, not so worried about that anymore. We are over flowing with donations!!! Awesome!

Now, I'm just worried that there won't be people to buy all that has been donated. Apparently I didn't submit it to the Advance in the right format so I missed that deadline. It is too late to put it in the GR I freaked out a little bit yesterday. Dan could not understand why I was so frustrated. "This whole process has gone so smoothly! When has God not taken care of things?" He's right. I shouldn't worry about it. So, I'm going to TRY not to worry. :)

However, that doesn't mean I'm not going to attempt to get the word out there about this garage sale. So, tell your friends and neighbors. There really is a LOT of stuff and everyone will be able to find something. I have attached a flyer for ya'll to print out if you so desire...but word of mouth is the best way.
Thank you to all who have donated...We really appreciate it!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 102

I love hearing that people are excited about our adoption. It makes it more real for me. I don't get to talk about maternity clothes or pregnancy woes (I'm okay with that, really). Adoption is what I talk about...a lot. I figure ya'll will forgive me. :)

Now that we are getting closer to "being on the market" (I say that with a smile because sometimes that is what it feels like) I want to recommend a couple things for family members...and those who are curious.

Grab a book:

This book called "Adoption is a Family Affair" by Patricia Johnston. This is not a book for prospective adoptive parents (Dan and I), but instead written for their loved ones. "It plainly explains the adoption process, proper adoption language, questions never to ask, tips on how to support the prospective adoptive parents and other helpful advice." If you are interested, please pick this book up. Dan and I were going to buy these books for our family members...but we're kind of on a budget right now. ;)

Do some research:
Dan and I did a TON of research before we decided on adoption. Here are a couple sites we visited along with a couple of very good blogs on open adoption. I tell you what, open adoption is a lot less scary when you educate yourself more!

>We are working through Bethany Christian Services. We have been very impressed with them so far and our social worker is so knowledgable.
>I check this blog often. Her story, if you read from the beginning, will touch your heart.
>Adoptive Families is a great site for support, articles, etc.
>Adoptive Families Support Group offers an entire page dedicated to links on adoption, adoption agencies, adoption support, books, online resources, etc.

Thank you all for your support, prayers and love. Our garage sale is next Saturday so be sure you bring your stuff to church next week. Also, I need helpers for Saturday so if you are willing, please help! Thank you!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 101


I am glad that is done.

The homestudy wasn't that was just long. Kim arrived at 2:00 and left at 4:45. That is a lot of talking for someone who isn't a big talker. :)

Basically we took care of a couple forms Dan forgot to sign and then she needed to interview Dan. I went into another room so they could talk. Dan's interview was about a half an hour longer than mine. Partly because he had a more complicated childhood and partly because he is a big talker. She basically asked us about our childhoods, what it was like growing up, our siblings, our relationships with our siblings, what jobs everyone does, our current relationships with family...just a LOT of questions.

Then she met with me for about 45 minutes, asking me the same types of questions. When she was done with me Dan came back into the room and we talked about our neighborhood, where the local schools are, our future job plans...

We then took a walk through our house and she "recommended" we get a couple things (another fire detector and a fire extinguisher). We have our next interview scheduled for August 5. She said this one will not take nearly as long...she is just going to be talking about our relationship and how we met etc. There is only one more after that where we will talk about our preferences, birth plans, etc.

So, all in all it wasn't too bad. It did wear me out though. I wasn't good company the rest of the night (sorry Mom and Dad).

While we wait we need to get to work on our profile book. I have a lot of our pictures set aside for that but we need to actually write it and then order it. So, there is still a bit of work to do but it is going pretty smoothly so far!

Thank you all who covered us with prayer...I wasn't nervous at all while I was talking which is a real testament to the power of prayer! ;)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 99

Tomorrow is our homestudy.

Am I nervous?

No, not really.

Do I want things to be perfect?


Do I realize that having the house spotless, flowers on the table, coffee made and zucchini bread in the oven is totally transparent?

Yup. [smile]

Dan thinks I am too worried about the house looking nice. I’m not worried…but when someone is coming to your house for the exact purpose of judging you, then yes, I want things to look really nice. Plus, I'm trying to compensate for the fact that the house is not completely done...

We spent a lot of the weekend working on the front flowerbeds. They look really nice now. I’ll have to put a picture up later.

Yesterday I spent most of the day cleaning out the extra bedroom. It had become a catch-all for everything while we were under construction. Tonight I am begrudgingly for-going Bible study to clean the bathrooms, dust all the drywall dust away (hopefully), vacuum, make zucchini bread, wash floors, basically just cleaning everything.

So, tomorrow is the day…everyone say a prayer around 2:00pm!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 93 - Work & Play

It has been an amazing couple of weeks filled with work, play and everything in between. We heard from Kim last Tuesday that our homestudy will be Wednesday, July 21. She says that this will last for three hours as she will be interviewing Dan, myself and then both of us together as well as looking at our home. Why this will take three hours I don't know...but she will be meeting with us three more times after that, will write up our homestudy, we will review it, and hopefully get that and our profile out there by September! Crazy!

We haven't really had time to do much around the house the last couple weeks because it has been busy with the holiday weekend and a much needed vacation.

Melissa & I lounging in Bostwick lake on the Fourth of July:

Jim, Dan, me, Melissa, Daniel, and Mike enjoying Mackinac Island:

Me and my cutie!!!

On another note, our adoption fundraising garage sale is fast approaching! Only a couple more weeks! Please be sure to set your stuff aside. You will be able to drop items off at Rockford Reformed Church July 26-29th from 8:00am-4:00pm. If you need to make special arrangements please call Dan (485.9077) or myself (485.4520).

For those who wanted to help with set up:
We will be setting up at church on Friday, July 30 from 9:00am-4:00pm. Feel free to come anytime to help with set up and pricing.

The actual Garage Sale Day is Saturday, July 31 from 9:00am-1:00pm in the Rockford Reformed Church Family Life Center. If you would like to help with that please let me know.

To all who are donating their time or their items: We thank you!!!