Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 99

Tomorrow is our homestudy.

Am I nervous?

No, not really.

Do I want things to be perfect?


Do I realize that having the house spotless, flowers on the table, coffee made and zucchini bread in the oven is totally transparent?

Yup. [smile]

Dan thinks I am too worried about the house looking nice. I’m not worried…but when someone is coming to your house for the exact purpose of judging you, then yes, I want things to look really nice. Plus, I'm trying to compensate for the fact that the house is not completely done...

We spent a lot of the weekend working on the front flowerbeds. They look really nice now. I’ll have to put a picture up later.

Yesterday I spent most of the day cleaning out the extra bedroom. It had become a catch-all for everything while we were under construction. Tonight I am begrudgingly for-going Bible study to clean the bathrooms, dust all the drywall dust away (hopefully), vacuum, make zucchini bread, wash floors, basically just cleaning everything.

So, tomorrow is the day…everyone say a prayer around 2:00pm!!!

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