Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 52

I am heading to Bethany this afternoon to give them our full application, statement of faith, fingerprints, questionnaires, and our initial application fee. I am so excited. It is happening!!

Dan and I have talked a lot about our budget trying to think different ways that we can save and sacrifice. Dan is canceling his gym membership today (which is fine because we have a treadmill now and he doesn’t really use it in the summer anyway). We are also going to cancel our cable [*sniff]. We have done it before and have survived (albeit we drove family nuts with our constant Friends references because I had that playing in the background all the time). Prepare yourselves!!!

Although domestic adoption is much cheaper than international it is still very expensive and we are going to do all we can to raise the money through fundraising and grants (we can’t apply for grants until after our homestudy). I have an idea for a garage sale this summer so if you have stuff that you would like to donate, set it aside….I’ll give more information on that later, I need to clear a date on the church calendar first.

We aren’t too worried about the money though…people have been so generous.

Our adventure is just beginning!

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